TSTN-034: Catcher design

  • Tiago Ribeiro,
  • Patrick Ingraham and
  • Angelo Fausti

Latest Revision: 2022-10-20

1 Abstract

This technote contains design considerations for the Catcher, an event-driven processing component for the Rubin Observatory Control System (RubinOCS). We briefly review the existing functionality of the system and discuss the use case for the Catcher. The idea originated from the First-Look Analysis and Feedback Functionality (FAFF) working group, and a more in-depth analysis of the use cases can be found in their reports.

2 Introduction

One of the findings of the First-Look Analysis and Feedback Functionality (FAFF) working group SITCOMTN-025 [1], was the need for a service to …

handle the low-level coordination of identifying when a specific condition is met, then launching and monitoring an analysis process.

The idea is to have a component, the Catcher, capable of executing event-driven processing and report generation.

The RubinOCS currently contains a Watcher CSC that is capable of generating event driven alerts from user-defined rules (e.g. event-driven alerts). It also includes the ScriptQueue and OCPS CSCs which are both able to execute command-driven processes. While the ScriptQueue is tailored towards control system operations (e.g. moving the telescope, taking data, etc.), the OCPS is dedicated to executing DM pipeTask. In a sense, the missing piece of functionality is the capability of mixing a Watcher-like behavior (event-processing) with ScriptQueue/OCPS-like behavior. Furthermore, we are also interested in generating comprehensive reports from the results of these processes and alarms for particular conditions.

A key functionality of the Catcher, that differentiates it from the Watcher, is the ability to execute an analysis process once a certain condition is met. In the following sections we will explore the key functionality we are looking for in the Catcher.

2.1 Commandable SAL Component

The Catcher needs to interact with the Rubin Observatory Control System, both by reading telemetry from the system and by commanding other CSCs (see 2.4   Process Image Data). We also expect to be able to interact with the Catcher in a similar way we interact with other components on the system, such that we can start, configure, stop and redeploy it the same way we do with other components.

Furthermore, being a CSC we also expect it to be written using Python/salobj, which is a broadly used framework in the project. This ensures we have enough knowledge in the project to maintain and support the Catcher development.

One thing we must consider in this case is whether the Catcher CSC should be a single CSC that handles all conditions, or an indexed CSC were each instance handles a single case/rule. Using our experience with the Watcher it seems like having an indexed CSC would be preferable. Some reasons for this are:

  • A single CSC means there is a single event for each condition. If the CSC is handling multiple conditions, the information ends up getting “lost” in the data queue and it is not easily digestible by LOVE and other systems. Whereas, if each instance of the Catcher handles a single condition/rule, events are well separated for each condition.

  • In the single CSC scenario, adding/removing/updating a particular rule requires restarting the entire CSC. In the indexed component scenario, it only requires bringing in a new instance or removing/updating an existing one.

To control the configuration of each Catcher instance, we can adopt an indexed-based configuration format, used by some CSCs in the system already (e.g. the DIMM CSC configuration). Basically we map an index to a CSC configuration. All configurations resides in the same configuration file and the CSC decides which configuration to load based on its index.

2.2 Triggering Mechanism

The first thing the Catcher must be able to do is have a set of user-defined “triggers”. This basically consists of a set of input data stream that is processed according to some user-defined code and is activated according to some user-define condition.

For example, one might be interested in a trigger that activates when a new image finishes reading (camera publishes endReadout) or something a bit more complicated like activate when a new image finishes reading, the telescope is pointing in the direction of the wind and wind speed is above a certain threshold.

In terms of design, we have two different options we could implement; configuration-based or programmatic-based triggers.

Configuration-based triggers, are based on simple conditions that can be combined together to form more complex behavior. For example, we could have a monitorEvent condition that receives a component name and event name and is activated every time that event is published or a slightly more complicated compareTopics condition that takes 2 components/topic/attributes and check if their values are within a certain threshold.

The configuration for a trigger that would monitor an event would look something like this:

      component: ATCamera
      event: endReadout

Combining rules would be something like:

      component: ATCamera
      event: endReadout
      topic1: ATMCS.tel_mount_AzEl_Encoders.azimuthCalculatedAngle
      topic2: WeatherStation.windDirection.value
      threshold: 1.0

In the two examples above, monitorEvent and compareTopics are general-purposed, pre-defined triggers available in the Catcher codebase. These would adhere to a specific API, sub-classing a base class with a well defined interface.

The advantage of this approach is that, once a sufficient number of conditions are developed, adding new triggers is a matter of creating a new configuration.

Alternatively, the programmatic-based rules relies on having all the trigger logic developed under a single operation. For example, we could have a rule to monitor the end readout event from the camera and a rule that monitors the end readout event from the camera and compare the position of the telescope with the wind. These rules are developed specifically for their use-cases, and are not generally applied. This is, for instance, the current approach implemented by the Watcher. Any new alarm requires code changes.

2.3 Analysis Process

As mentioned above, the ability to execute an analysis process once a certain condition is met is one of the key functionalities that differentiates the Catcher from the Watcher. In general, we assume that these analysis will consist of lightweight computations. Whenever possible, the computation should be offloaded to the OCPS. Because the OCPS is designed to execute DM pipeTasks, these will mostly consist of image-related processing. It is likely that the data processed by the rule will be relevant to the downstream processing, so it should be made available to it as well.

These processing routines should be developed in the Catcher codebase using a common framework, similar to that provided by SAL Scripts (e.g. a base class with a well defined interface). It is also important that the results/outputs of a process follow a well defined format that can be consumed downstream.

2.4 Process Image Data

Another important feature of the Catcher is the capability to process camera image data using the OCPS. The OCPS is a CSC that is capable of executing DM-pipeline processes. It is going to be key in allowing remote processing of Main Camera data during commissioning and operations.

Since the Catcher is a CSC it can interact directly with OCPS to process image data, by sending commands to it.

2.5 Alarms

Depending of the results of the analysis process the Catcher should be able to generate alerts to the system. For this we can follow a similar approach to that already implemented in the Watcher. In short, the Catcher will have an “alarm” event with payloads to indicate the “severity” and other relevant information. There will also be commands to mute and acknowledge these alarms. We can also consider to borrow the alarm escalation model from the Watcher.

2.6 Generate reports

The Catcher should also be able to generate reports, with graphs and additional lightweight computations.

One of the initial ideas was to rely on parameterized Jupyter notebooks that would be processed using a papermill-like application, converted to a webpage and rendered online so users could inspect the results, and use as reference for additional followup.

This could still be achieved using a similar solution or relying on a service like Noteburst SQR-065 [2] and Times Square SQR-066 [3] to execute parameterized notebooks using a web request and publishing the results afterwards.

Another alternative is to implement a template system, where the user writes a template report with placeholders for text and images. Then, the report can be generated by executing code to produce the placeholder values and images and exporting the report. The report could be a webpage, a pdf (e.g. generated with LaTeX) or any other electronic format.

3 Service Architecture

In summary our proposal is:

  • The Catcher will be an indexed CSC where each instance handle a single rule.

  • Rules will adopt the “configuration-based” approach. The Catcher codebase will have a series of “simple” rules that can be chained together to form an activation flag. The rule is only activated if all conditions are met.

  • When a rule is activated, it executes an analysis process. The analysis process should generate information about alarm level and data to assemble a report.

  • A report is generated using the output of the analysis process.

  • An alarm is issued indicating the severity level and information about how to access the report.

  • Whether a report is generated and/or an alarm is published every time the rule is activated or only at certain severity levels will be a configuration parameter.

  • Information about each instance of the Catcher operation can be logged using the standard log facility, which makes sure the data is stored in the EFD and available on LOVE.

3.1 Interface

The following is an initial proposal for the (xml) interface of the Catcher and may be revised later.

3.1.1 Commands


Mute this instance of the Catcher. It will continue to process the data stream and generating reports, but will not issue new alarm unless they have severity higher than the values specified in the severity parameter

Contains the following parameters:


Severity to mute alarms.


How long to mute?


Person who muted the alarm.


Reason alarm is being muted.


Acknowledge alarm.

Contains the following parameters:


Person acknowledging the alarm.


Id of the process to acknowledge.


Publish updated information about the analysis processes.


Publish alarm information.

3.1.2 Events


Alarm issued when an analysis process results in a severity level above configured threshold. This is event is published after the analysis process is done and only if the alarm severity level is above the configured threshold.


Severity of the alarm.


Reason for the alarm to be issued.


Url of the report generated by the analysis process.


Unique identifier for the process that resulted in this alarm.


Was this alarm acknowledged?


Last person who acknowledged the alarm.


Time when the alarm was last acknowledged.


Summary of the analysis processes.


Number of processes currently executing.


List with the ids of processes currently executing.


Number of processes that finished.


List with the ids of finished processes.


Information about an analysis process.


Id of the process.


Status of the process.


When the process started.


When the process finished.


Result of the analysis process.

3.2 Configuration

The Catcher configuration will contain the configuration for all the rules and the CSC picks up a configuration based on its index. The following is an example of having 3 instances of the Catcher, with index 1, 2 and 3. The first two configurations are inspired by the use-cases presented in the FAFFv2 report the third configuration is an example of a more complex rule containing chained conditions.

         interval: 60.0
            topic: WeatherStation.tel_windSpeed.value
               max: 10.0
      analyze_stream: WeatherStation.tel_windSpeed.value
         interval: 1800.0
         extrapolate_interval: 600.0
            ok: 15.0
            warning: 20.0
            critical: 30.0
   report_severity: warning  # Only produce report if warning level
   alarm_severity: warning  # Only issue alarm if warning level
         component: ATCamera
         event: endReadout
            ok: 0.5
            warning: 1.0
            critical: 2.0
         store_results: True
   report_severity: ok  # Always produce report
   alarm_severity: warning  # Only issue alarm if warning level
         interval: 5.0
            topic: WeatherStation.tel_windSpeed.value
               max: 10.0
         topic1: ATMCS.tel_mount_AzEl_Encoders.azimuthCalculatedAngle
         topic2: WeatherStation.windDirection.value
         threshold: 1.0
      analyze_stream: WeatherStation.tel_windSpeed.value
         interval: 1800.0
         extrapolate_interval: 60.0
            ok: 15.0
            warning: 20.0
            critical: 30.0
   report_severity: warning  # Only produce report if warning level
   alarm_severity: warning  # Only issue alarm if warning level

4 Prototype




[SITCOMTN-025]. Keith Bechtol, Patrick Ingraham (chair), Tim Jenness, Tony Johnson, Simon Krughoff, Robert Lupton, Tiago Ribeiro, and Yousuke Utsumi. First-look analysis and feedback functionality breakout group report. 2022. URL: https://sitcomtn-025.lsst.io/


[SQR-065]. Jonathan Sick. Design of noteburst, a programatic jupyterlab notebook execution service for the rubin science platform. 2022. URL: https://sqr-065.lsst.io/


[SQR-066]. Adam Thornton. Proposal for separate rsp user lab spawning service. 2022. URL: https://sqr-066.lsst.io/